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Events: Revolutia Blogurilor a inceput

Se intampla primul eveniment dedicat blogurilor in Romania. Si nu oricum, avand ca invitat un blogger renumit, pe Jeremy Wright.

Recent, Jeremy a fost rugat de site-ul MarketingProfs sa se alature unui grup de bloggeri renumiti pentru a raspunde la intrebarea: Care este cea mai mare minciuna despre blogging?

Mai jos gasiti primele 10 raspunsuri ale lui Jeremy, iar aici le gasiti si pe celelalte 27.

1. Blogging’s just a fad.
2. Always maintain a hostile relationship with your audience.
3. Don’t ever admit you did something wrong.
4. It’s just a PR channel.
5. Don’t have a personality if you’re blogging for business.
6. I can’t blog because I can’t write.
7. Bloggers should let it all hang out.
8. Facts just get in the way of blogging.
9. Without open comments, it’s not a blog anyway.
10. There are 10,000 new blogs launched every day.

