Abonamente Evensys

Advertising: Inca un eveniment de marca

Saptamana viitoare ar trebui sa ne luam liber trei zile de la birou. Pe 12-13, “The Napoleons” performeaza la Ateneu, iar pe 14, IAA-Romania isi organizeaza la WTC conferinta anuala, avandu-l ca invitat pe Don E. Schultz, profesor la Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University.

Evenimentul IAA este dedicat comunicarii de marketing integrate, atingand teme precum:

  • Getting started in integrated marketing communication
  • How to integrate internal and external communication into a dynamic, value adding asset
  • Expanding and updating the concept of integration to include the new electronic media forms, new media concepts and media measurement materials.
  • How to achieve customer focus, measurement of advertising and marketing returns.

Taxa de participare este de 170 de euro de persoana.

