Abonamente Evensys

Ce a invatat publicitatea de la YouTube

La Digital Marketing Forum, Manuela Necula, Head of Country al Ogilvy Group Romania a vorbit despre felul in care YouTube a influentat industria de advertising. De fapt, a enumerat 6 lucruri pe care le putem invata de la cel mai mare site de videosharing din lume.

Acestea sunt:

  1. It’s not the quality of the production, it’s the quality of the content
  2. The limit is 1 GB or 10 min, not 30 sec
  3. It doesn’t matter if it’s real or tricked. It’s about what people share.
  4. Taking inspiration from the grass root video creators is a good thing.
  5. Being taken as inspiration is also a good thing. It means people find it good enough to invest time in.
  6. Pure shocking is so yesterday. You need to be smart about it.

Manuela a oferit si trei intrebari pe care ar trebui sa ti le adresezi inainte de a crea o productie online. Acestea sunt:

  1. Will it get people’s attention?
  2. Will they forward it to their friends?
  3. Will they spoof it?

Continuand in aceeasi nota, va prezint cum un spot TV a primit un spoof tot la TV.
